The Roland Center was recently featured on the Stop Digging! podcast hosted by Nancy Treder and Susan Zytnik-Kunzler where our team and participants discuss our experience using a learning management system to help those we support reach their goals.
The podcast explores the challenges people may encounter in health, learning, relationships, and promoting services for a unique population.
Our team works with the team from A-Squared LAMP Groups to demonstrate how The Roland Center offers practical tools and resources to help our supported individuals create person-centered plans and identify the best possible paths to greater success.
When you get a chance, please listen to Alejandro and Shannon tell their story at https://asquaredlamps.org/podcast.
This podcast can also be found on
GOOGLE PODCASTS https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy50cmFuc2lzdG9yLmZtL3N0b3AtZGlnZ2luZw
and SPOTIFY (https://open.spotify.com/show/4HCLVGFWdWxehQPnr577sW)